Informácie o spoločnosti AMPHENOL RF


Amphenol RF,  

a division of Amphenol Corporation and one of its original core business groups, is the world's largest manufacturer of coaxial interconnect products for radio frequency, microwave and data transmission applications. As a leader in enabling next-generation technology, we are able to continually support global advancements in connectivity. Our company's headquarters is located in Danbury, CT, USA with sales, marketing and manufacturing locations in North America, Asia and Europe.

Amphenol RF offers a robust and constantly expanding portfolio of standard off-the-shelf interconnect products for a variety of industries. Our key markets include automotive, broadband, broadcast, industrial, IoT, instrumentation, medical, military and wireless. Our solutions include waterproof IP-rated, non-magnetic, QPL military approved, 12G SDI, ruggedized, board-to-board, low PIM, high-frequency, quick-locking, ultraminature and tamper resistant options.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Amphenol RF

Audio Visual

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


Tools & Production Supplies

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Nové produkty od Amphenol RF

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


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Tools and Resources


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