Informácie o spoločnosti OMEGA



offers state-of-the-art products for measurement and control of temperature, humidity, pressure, strain, force, flow, level, pH and conductivity. OMEGA also provides customers with a complete line of data acquisition, electric heating and custom engineered products. The Omega range includes a variety of market leading industrial control products, including temperature, thermocouples, RTD connector wires, pressure load cells, control panel meters and many more, now available in stock and ready for purchase, with no minimum order quantity and same day shipping.

New Products

RTD Sensor, Class A Thin-Film DIN Platinum, -73 °C, 260 °C, 100 ohm, SA1-RTD Series


Thermocouple Connector, MPJ Series, Panel Jacks, Miniature, Type T, Socket


Thermocouple Connector, SMPW Series, Miniature, Type K, Plug


Thermocouple Connector, SMPW Series, Miniature, Type U, Plug

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Zoznam výrobkov od Omega

Automation & Process Control

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies

Chemicals & Adhesives

Circuit Protection


Cooling & Thermal Management

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools


Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Fasteners & Mechanical

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Optoelectronics & Displays

Power & Line Protection

Semiconductors - ICs

Sensors & Transducers

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Switches & Relays

Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies


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Nové produkty od Omega

Automation & Process Control

Sensors & Transducers

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