
Informácie o spoločnosti COILCRAFT

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O spoločnosti COILCRAFT

Coilcraft, Inc., is a world leader in the design and manufacture of magnetic components for a wide range of applications, including signal generation and processing, RF, power, impedance matching, LED drivers, timing and much more.

Buyers consider Coilcraft a preferred supplier because of their reputation for quality, reliable delivery, engineering support and the superior performance of their products. In independent surveys, engineers consistently rank Coilcraft the number one magnetics company they’d recommend to a friend.

Farnell is an authorised distribution partner of Coilcraft, Inc. across all of Europe except Israel.

Vybrané produkty

SER80xx High Current Shielded Power Inductors
SER80xx High Current Shielded Power Inductors

Coilcraft SER80xx series shielded power inductors. Available in Low DCR and High Isat versions. Suitable for a broad range of applications.

Kúpit teraz
MSS1260 Surface Mount Power Inductors

Magnetically shielded, low-profile power inductors designed for high-density mounting.

Kúpit teraz
XFL 4012 Power Inductor

The XFL 4012 Lowest DCR Power inductor range with Ltra Technology.

Kúpit teraz

Zoznam výrobkov od Coilcraft

Passive Components


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Nové produkty od Coilcraft

Passive Components

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