Klein Tools
Klein Tools

Informácie o spoločnosti KLEIN TOOLS

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O spoločnosti KLEIN TOOLS

Founded in 1857 by Mathias Klein, Klein Tools has been manufacturing tools for over 160 years. Mathias started the business with the conviction that he could make the best tools available, and that dedication is carried through to his direct descendants who still own and run the business today.

Since 1857 a lot has changed in both the world and Klein, who now have manufacturing facilities in North America and Europe.

During this time the product range has extended considerably. Now we have around 5,000 different products, ranging from Pliers & Cutters, Wire Strippers, Test Instruments, a complete Voice Data Video range, plus an excellent range of storage solutions covering anything from a toolbelt through to a full portable tool case.

One thing all of these products have in common is the customer is at the heart of everything we do, we take their needs and requirements into every decision we make. This ensures every time you look at a Klein product you know that it has been designed and manufactured to ensure you are delighted with your purchase.

At Farnell we stock a broad range of hand tools for use in various applications, as well as test and measurement equipment. You'll find screwdrivers, pliers, crimp tools, wire strippers, digital multimeters and much more from Klein Tools in stock today for same day despatch.

Featured Products

11-in-1 Screwdriver/Nut Driver

Integrated screwdriver and nut driver shaft holds 8 popular tips and converts to 3 nut driver sizes.

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MM300 Digital Multimeter

Measures up to 600V AC/DC voltage, 10A DC current and 2MΩ resistance. Built to withstand a 3.3' (1m) drop and daily wear and tear on the job site.

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Non-Contact Voltage Tester with Infrared Thermometer

Provides non-contact determination of AC voltage in cables, cords, circuit breakers, switches, outlets and wires.

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CL110 Digital Clamp Meter

Measures AC current via the clamp and AC/DC voltage, resistance and continuity via test leads. Built to withstand a 3.3 ft. (1m) drop.

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4-in-1 Electronics TORX Screwdriver

Four different tips in one tool! Includes T7, T8, T10 and T15 tamperproof TORX pin bits.

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Curved Long-Nose Pliers

70° bent nose for maximum work visibility in confined areas.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Klein Tools

Audio Visual


Cooling & Thermal Management

Fasteners & Mechanical

Lighting Products

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies

Zobraziť všetky produkty (299)

Nové produkty od Klein Tools

Cooling & Thermal Management

Fasteners & Mechanical

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Tools & Production Supplies

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