Informácie o spoločnosti METCAL

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is a benchtop solutions expert that has delivered broad value to customers since its Silicon Valley beginnings in 1982.

Metcal’s track record of innovation is legendary. With SmartHeat® and Connection Validation™ – both industry firsts – Metcal breakthroughs have empowered their global electronics assembly customers in the automotive, aerospace, medical device, and military sectors. With the new GT Series, they have introduced Metcal’s first adjustable temperature soldering system with inductive heating, further advancing the power and versatility of their offerings. And today they are accelerating the pace of global innovation even further, forging developments in hand soldering, convection rework, fume extraction and fluid dispensing. Read More

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Zoznam výrobkov od Metcal

Automation & Process Control

Chemicals & Adhesives

Tools & Production Supplies

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Nové produkty od Metcal

Chemicals & Adhesives

Tools & Production Supplies

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