Informácie o spoločnosti MUELLER ELECTRIC

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We are Mueller Electric, the inventor of the Alligator clip. Since 1908, Mueller Electric has transformed from being the inventor of the Crocodile Clip into a leading supplier of an extensive range of electrical clips including battery charging clips, welding clips, kelvin clips, automotive clips, telecom clips, grounding & bonding clips and grounding & bonding cable assemblies. Read More

Featured Products
Electrical Clips

Clips for every application including battery charging clips, welding clips, grounding and bonding clips and clips for electrostatic paint lines.

Test Connectors

Mueller supplies a wide range of Banana plugs and sockets, probes, plungers, crocodile clips and binding posts

Test Leads & Test Probes

Range of standard test leads and test probe sets compatible with the majority of digital multimeters and other test instruments currently available in the market.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Mueller Electric

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies

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Test & Measurement

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