
Informácie o spoločnosti NEXPERIA

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element14 community

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O spoločnosti Nexperia

Introducing: Nexperia. Efficiency wins.

Nexperia is a dedicated global leader in Discretes, Logic and MOSFETs devices. This new company became independent at the beginning of 2017.
Focused on efficiency, Nexperia produces consistently reliable semiconductor components at high volume: 85 billion annually. The company’s extensive portfolio meets the stringent standards set by the Automotive industry. And industry-leading small packages, produced in their own manufacturing facilities, combine power and thermal efficiency with best-in-class quality levels.
Built on over half a century of expertise, Nexperia has 11,000 employees across Asia, Europe and the U.S. supporting customers globally.

Nexperia prináša špičkové portfólio expandérov I²C GPIO

Zoznam výrobkov od Nexperia

Circuit Protection

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards

LED Lighting Components

Passive Components

Semiconductors - Discretes

Semiconductors - ICs

Zobraziť všetky produkty (21 264)

Nové produkty od Nexperia

Circuit Protection

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards

Semiconductors - Discretes

Semiconductors - ICs

Zobraziť všetky produkty (416)



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