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O spoločnosti POMONA

Informácie o spoločnosti POMONA

O spoločnosti POMONA

Pomona Electronics is a leading supplier of accessories for electronic test instruments. Designed for a wide range of test and design applications, Pomona products are recognized worldwide as being of the highest quality, dependability and reliability.

To meet the rapidly expanding needs of the market, Pomona is continually developing new products. Today, we have the broadest line of connection and test accessories in the world, for applications ranging from engineering research to test labs to field service and plant maintenance.

Our large assortment of Pomona test accessories includes banana plugs, coaxial cable assemblies, patch cords, oscilloscope and DMM test lead and probe kits and accessories, IC test clips, boxes, RF connectors, XLR and 75-ohm cable assembly products. For more than 50 years, the Pomona’s innovative design and high quality manufacturing have provided engineers and technicians with tools that keep pace with constantly changing technologies and meet both UL and IEC61010 safety standards as well as being RoHS compliant.

Pomona Electronics is a leading supplier of accessories for electronic test instruments. Designed for a wide range of test and design applications, Pomona products are recognized worldwide as being of the highest quality, dependability and reliability.

Featured Products

PCB Terminal Blocks and Connectors
Banana Plugs Jacks and Adapters

Comprehensive range of high quality Alligator Test Clips, Banana Plugs and Jacks, Binding Posts, Hardware Adapters and Pin Jacks and Plugs..

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Interface Series: Relays
RF Cable Connectors and accessories

RF cable assemblies and connectors are used for communications, instrumentation, aerospace, and industrial applications where bandwidth and low signal loss are critical today’s technicians need RF cable assemblies with smaller format connectors like SMA, SMB, MCX, and MMCX connector types.

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Hand Tools
Test leads and connectors

The Pomona range includes high quality test leads for test and measurement applications.No matter how impressive the test tool, from a simple DMM to a high-end calibrator, the quality of the test leads is of equal importance to the tester. Whether in the lab, plant or in the field, using high-quality leads, plugs, and connectors can make a big difference.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Pomona

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Fasteners & Mechanical

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies

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