Informácie o spoločnosti SAMSUNG ELECTRO MECHANICS

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O spoločnosti SAMSUNG

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has played a central role in the global history of the electric and electronic parts industry. They are an industry-leading manufacturer of passive electronic components, like MLCCs, printed circuit boards, and modules – based on materials, multilayer thin-film deposition, and circuit technology. Samsung’s goal is to become the world’s top manufacturer of passive components.

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has led the development of the electronic component business by continuously advancing passive component technology. With its differentiated converged technology and innovative techniques, Samsung will continuously find and foster future business in cutting edge applications for the automotive industry,the Internet of Things, 5G and more.

Zoznam výrobkov od Samsung Electro Mechanics

Passive Components

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Nové produkty od Samsung Electro Mechanics

Passive Components

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