Informácie o spoločnosti SANYO DENKI

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Sanyo Denki  

is a global manufacturer of dual ball bearing, equipment cooling fans and high precision hybrid stepper motors that was established in 1927. Read More

New Products
Waterproof and Long-life Fans

40mm to 172mm axial fans sealed up to IP68 with lifetimes up to 150,000 hours

High Static Pressure and Airflow Fans

36mm to 120mm axial and counter-rotating high static pressure and airflow fans

Hybrid Stepper Motors

High precision stepper motors, compact 14mm to high torque 86mm frames sizes

Stepper Motor Drivers

Low vibration bipolar and unipolar DC stepper drivers up to 2A drive current

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Zoznam výrobkov od Sanyo Denki

Automation & Process Control

Cooling & Thermal Management

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

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Tools and Resources

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