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Vyžiadajte si cenovú ponuku ešte dnesSchützinger is a family company with over six decades of tradition. After founding in the year 1950 Schützinger quickly gained a reputation for its range of electrical connections for measuring and testing laboratories.
The first catalogues from 1950s already contained a number of banana plugs, measuring leads and terminal posts that were implemented in measuring and testing laboratories. Today, Schützinger is not only a global supplier of a wide range of standard measuring technology products, but also constructs and manufactures customised electric connections for diverse sectors as per customers' requirements. The current range comprises of around 3,000 standard and customer specific products, which are sold worldwide. Schützinger has been following a philosophy of developing its own products and having them manufactured by specialist suppliers since the company laid its foundation. This highly flexible production network is growing constantly and in the meantime can cater to almost any customer request and any required number of items. As a result, Schützinger stands strong in the market for its consistent delivery of products with excellent quality.
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![]() Safety Test Probe SetThe safety test probe set SPS 2040 provides the user an opportunity to work with the individual test probe (inset) depending on application. Up to 4 different probe insets are included in the set. The tip protection cap is suitable to screw probe insets into and out of place. This ensures the variability and at the same time – a cost-saving solution. | ![]() Set of Test Clamps and Safety Threaded SocketsEach of the two test clamps comes with safety threaded socket and each of the two measuring leads comes with straight connection to the test clamp. Safety lamella-basket angle plug to a high-quality measuring device guarantees the absolutely safe connection. The set SET 7629 / PZL can be applied in all situations where a conventional crocodile clip is no longer sufficient. With these test clamps, Schützinger provides the best holding force during measuring process. | ![]() Safety Connection PlugsThe safety connecting plugs with moulded insulation SKURZ 6100/19-4 IG 2 MB NI (grid 19 mm) are equipped with 4 mm (axial diameter) measuring socket. Such connections are in demand and are very didactic for training systems. |
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