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Vyžiadajte si cenovú ponuku ešte dnesAs a leading global adhesive tape manufacturer tesa® is represented in over 100 countries, it’s our aim to build a strong bond with our customers which goes beyond simply selling you tape. For our industry and professional customers we offer friendly expert advice, technical knowledge and can help you select the most effective solution to improve your processes. For end-consumers in the office and at home tesa® now have over 300 products from tesafilm®, our energy saving tesamoll® draught excluders to tesa Powerstrips®, our removable adhesive strips, and our environmentally friendly ecoLogo® range made from recycled materials and renewable resources.
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![]() tesa® Fastening Tapetesa® double sided tapes are used for fixing and bonding in many manufacturing industries. These include automotive for trim, treadplate, badge and emblem mounting; double sided splicing tapes are also used in paper, newsprint and corrugated board production. With double sided adhesive tapes there are no weak spots as with screws and rivets as stresses are evenly distributed across the bonded area and need no health and safety considerations as with welding. Double sided tapes are simple to use and can also be presented in specific die-cut shapes to aid more precise application. | ![]() tesa® Masking Tapetesa® has an extensive range of masking tapes which cover many applications including general purpose masking, wet painting, stencilling, stoving, spray painting, and sandblasting to high temperature masking tapes for applications such as powder coating and printed circuit board manufacture - all offering ease of use and removal without residue | ![]() MRO & Packaging Tapetesa® MRO and Packaing tapes range consists of many tapes for maintanence or repair. tesa® cloth and duct tapes for sealing of ducts and piping as well as permanent or temporary floor lane marking tapes for marking out walkways on warehouse floors. tesa packaging tapes ensure security of shipments, whether you are sealing light or heavy cartons for short transportation or long overseas trips. |
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