Informácie o spoločnosti IDEC



Since its creation in 1945, IDEC has become one of the leading worldwide manufacturers of Switches, Relays, Machine Safety products, LED Lighting Solutions, and Industrial Automation product ranges. IDEC has developed innovative products designed to enhance Human Machine Interface (HMI) components, panels, systems, and machine safety. IDEC's commitments to innovations have helped shape the Global industrial automation marketplace.IDEC Mission Statement - Throughout industries, technology is constantly evolving in the workplace. It is as vital as the technology evolution to maintain harmony with the safety and comfort of the workers.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Idec

Automation & Process Control

Circuit Protection


Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

LED Lighting Components

Lighting Products

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Optoelectronics & Displays

Power & Line Protection

Sensors & Transducers

Switches & Relays

Tools & Production Supplies

Wireless Modules & Adaptors

Zobraziť všetky produkty (2 068)

Nové produkty od Idec

Automation & Process Control

Sensors & Transducers

Zobraziť všetky produkty (21)



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