
Informácie o spoločnosti INFINEON

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element14 community

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Infineon Technologies offers a wide range of semiconductor solutions used for industrial power control and power management ICs, LED drivers, sensors, chip card and security products, and various other applications.

The addition of Cypress further strengthens the core of this technology portfolio even more. The focus is now on a broader range of applications helping customers choose from an unparalleled range of products for IoT, Industrial and Automotive. Cypress adds a distinguished portfolio of microcontrollers, connectivity components, software ecosystems and high-performance memories resulting in a stable and long-term refinancing structure. This is highly complementary to Infineon’s leading power semiconductors, automotive microcontrollers, sensors and security solutions making life easier, safer and greener.

Zamerané na napájanie cez ethernet

Riešenia spoločnosti Infineon pre energeticky úspornejšie napájacie zdroje

Zoznam výrobkov od Infineon

Circuit Protection

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards

LED Lighting Components

Optoelectronics & Displays

Raspberry Pi

Semiconductors - Discretes

Semiconductors - ICs

Sensors & Transducers

Single Board Computers, Maker & Education

Switches & Relays


Wireless Modules & Adaptors

Zobraziť všetky produkty (18 672)

Nové produkty od Infineon

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards

Semiconductors - Discretes

Semiconductors - ICs

Sensors & Transducers

Wireless Modules & Adaptors

Zobraziť všetky produkty (534)


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