Informácie o spoločnosti LASCAR

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Lascar Electronics is a market-leading manufacturer of USB and wireless temperature, humidity, and pressure data loggers as well as graphic displays and panel instruments. They also offer a custom service where they help turn concepts into reality, resulting in truly bespoke applications. Lascar’s product range is vast and constantly evolving thanks to their innovative team of designers, engineers, and developers. Devices range from single-use, cold-chain temperature monitors, Read more

Featured Products
Panel Instruments

Lascar Electronics designs and manufactures a full range of digital panel meters which features remarkable response times and easy setup. Our extensive range of products include LCD and LED voltmeters, 4-20mA indicators, temperature indicators, serial data, data displays, and graphics modules for use in sensing, processing and text, plus automation apps.

EasyLog Dataloggers

Lascar has a family of data loggers with a wide range of parameters and connectivity options. Whether you need the simplicity of a USB or the unlimited, secure Cloud storage of WiFi, they have the data logger for you.

Code-free Graphic Displays

From smart graphic displays with full colour touch screens, to a range of low-cost dual or single channel panel meters that come with free software, allowing you to easily create your own application.

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Zoznam výrobkov od Lascar

Automation & Process Control

Optoelectronics & Displays

Power & Line Protection

Sensors & Transducers

Test & Measurement

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Test & Measurement

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