Informácie o spoločnosti PULSE ELECTRONICS

Pulse, a YAGEO company, logo

Pulse, a YAGEO company,

is a key element in a family of businesses that combine to create one of the largest passive electronic manufacturers in the world. Founded in 1956 in Redwood City, California and acquired by Yageo Corporation in 2018, Pulse has over 60 years of innovation experience and is a leader in technology, design and manufacturing. Their passive electronic components includes power and networking magnetics, current sensing, cable harnesses, power supplies, antennas and connectors. Their global customer base includes the market leaders in the Communications, Computing, Consumer, Industrial, IoT and Transportation segments. Their products can be found in a wide range of applications, including hybrid and electric vehicles, 5G mobile network systems, smart grids, wearables, lighting, cell phones, data centers, wireless charging, industrial automation equipment and security. Read More

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Zoznam výrobkov od Pulse Electronics

Audio Visual

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


Passive Components

Semiconductors - ICs

Sensors & Transducers


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Nové produkty od Pulse Electronics

Audio Visual


Passive Components

Semiconductors - ICs


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