Informácie o spoločnosti TESTO

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is a multinational test and measurement technology company with over 34 subsidiary companies and 80 distributors. We have a global presence and operate on all 5 continents, with over 3000 staff globally. The scope of our products is wide, and so are the implementations. The main parameters our products seek to measure include temperature, humidity, velocity, gas analysis, RPM, pressure, light, pH, sound, and many more. This variety of applications means Testo is relevant to multiple different industries. Read more

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Zoznam výrobkov od Testo

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Sensors & Transducers

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Test & Measurement

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Nové produkty od Testo

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Static Control, Site Safety & Clean Room Products

Test & Measurement

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